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OWR and Split Proxy Params



PropertyTypeDescriptionInherited fromDefined in
splitRecipientsSplitRecipient[]The split recipients addresses and splits.TotalSplitPayload.splitRecipientstypes.ts:136
ObolRAFSplit?numberSplit percentageNumber allocated for obol retroactive funding, minimum is 1%.TotalSplitPayload.ObolRAFSplittypes.ts:139
distributorFee?numberThe percentageNumber of accrued rewards that is paid to the caller of the distribution function to compensate them for the gas costs of doing so. Cannot be greater than 10%. For example, 5 represents 5%.TotalSplitPayload.distributorFeetypes.ts:142
controllerAddress?stringAddress that can mutate the split, should be ZeroAddress for immutable split.TotalSplitPayload.controllerAddresstypes.ts:145
principalRecipientstringAddress that will reclaim validator principal after exit.-types.ts:153
etherAmountnumberAmount needed to deploy all validators expected for the OWR/Splitter configuration.-types.ts:156
recoveryAddress?stringAddress that can control where the owr erc-20 tokens can be pushed, if set to zero it goes to splitter or principal address.-types.ts:159